Transition to School

We aim for all children to have a smooth transition to the reception year at school. Before you child leaves for school, we will make arrangements for the destination school to send a teacher to visit your child at nursery so they can plan for your childs arrival. 

Destination Schools

The children will move to some of the following local independent and state schools. Below you will find links to some of these schools.

Independent Schools                                                                 

St. Johns College School                               

The Perse School                                            

Heritage School                                        

St. Faiths School                                            

St. Mary's 

Stephen Perse 

Sancton Wood 

Primary Schools

Arbury Primary School                                                           

St. Luke's Primary School                                                                   

Milton Primary School

Mayfield Primary

University of Cambridge Primary School

Orchard Park Community Primary School

Park Street Primary

St. Laurence Catholic Primary School