Songs and Music
Sing, Dance, and Make Music Together
Singing together is a powerful way to build up the family structure. It activates the soothing parts of the brain.
Play instruments together - use real instruments if you have them or saucepans for drums, make paper plate and beans shakers, anything becomes an instrument.
Sing songs and favourite lullabies
Dance around to all kinds of funky music - see Spotify or You tube for ideas
Make a family song book and illustrate it.
Listen to favourite artists and talk about what you like about their music (not their ‘image’ but their music). Whether you have a beautiful voice or not, it doesn't matter to your children. Sing anyway!
Some songs you may like:
Raffi Music, books and video Link
Frank Leto music collection Link
Patty's primary songs Link
Kathy Reid Naiman Link
Baby pants music Link
Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer Link
Song idea's by Ana
Once I Caught a Fish Alive Link
Shake your Sillies Out Link
Five Little Speckled Frogs Link
Ten Fat Sausages Sizzling in a Pan Link