Children's House

Meet the Staff





Age 36 months to 5 years

The Prepared Environment

In Montessori education our main focus is on preparing the classroom environments to meet each child's needs. The Children's House is designed to encourage independence, social skills and holistic development during this crucial time.

Our Children's House is situated within a spacious hall, which benefits from vertical grouping and shared learning, centered within the Montessori philosophy and supported by our AMI-certified Guides. This structure encourages collaboration between children of different ages, allowing the younger children to learn from their peers and older children to care for younger children while fostering independence, social interaction, and self-confidence in a carefully prepared environment.

Our Children's House offers children broad learning opportunities within a stimulating and challenging prepared environment. Children are inspired by the opportunities offered by our classroom environment and follow their own interests which are supported to conclusion by our Montessori Teachers and Assistants. Children benefit from an uninterrupted work cycle of 3 hours.

Achievements are celebrated and children are valued for their individual characteristics. Our prepared environment facilitates independent learning and development supported by our staff.

We aim to broaden children's understanding of the world that surrounds them with inspiring learning opportunities which include practical life experiences and outdoor pursuits in a safe and secure environment which challenges children to take risks. Supported further with visits to local places.

We have specific areas within the classroom

Practical Life 

Purposeful life skills that develop independence, coordination, logic, sequencing and communal responsibility - washing, cleaning, polishing, sewing, cooking, dressing, toileting, communicating effectively and helping others.

The children even have their own special kitchen with real equipment for preparing snacks and meals independently. We employ the highest standards of hygiene and safety with adult supervision at all times. 

Every child will have opportunities to be Head Chef for the day to develop their confidence, independence and leadership skills. 


Concrete activities which are scientifically designed so children can understand abstract concepts of size, shape, texture, colour and fragrance while refining their senses (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and stereognostic). There are a wide variety of games for children to play in pairs or small groups once they have had time to explore the materials independently.


Dr Montessori created a wonderful language system using concrete materials to teach writing, reading and language analysis. The children are able to develop beautiful handwriting, extensive vocabulary and a love of reading during their time in the Children's House.


Dr Montessori also devised an ingenious system for teaching mathematics, again using concrete materials to teach these abstract concepts. We never use worksheets as traditional schools do. And our children never say they don't like maths because all our activities are beautiful, interesting and effective!


Within this section there are a huge range of activities that cover biology, physics, geography, drama, music, art, sport, world cultures and religion. These include opportunities indoors and outdoors for sensorial experiences and to work as individuals, in small groups and as a whole class. 

Preparation of the Teacher

The second most important aspect is on preparation of the adults in the environment. We consider intellectual, emotional and physical preparation so we are able to fully support the children.

Dr Montessori was very clear about the role of adults within the classroom. We are to carefully observe and direct each child's attention towards activities that will help them develop positively and comprehensively:

"The teacher's happy task is to show (the children) the path to perfection, furnishing the means and removing the obstacles, beginning with those which she herself is likely to present (for the teacher can be the greatest obstacle of them all)." (The Absorbent Mind)

Our staff have three main responsibilities within the classroom